| Historical Maps | Collection of historical maps from 1500 - 2004. |
| Google Earth | free download of the interactive 3d presentation tool of maps, satellite photos and other geographic informations |
| Nasa Visible Earth | Directory of images, visualizations and animations of the earth |
| Vulcano Activity | Maps the Vulcano Activity around the globe and provides general information about vulcanoes . |
| DWD | Homepage des Deutschen Wetterdiensts mit Wetter- und Klimainformationen |
| Nasa Visible Earth | Directory of images, visualizations and animations of the earth |
| wetter.de | Wettervorhersage für Deutschland |
| Temperature USA | The current surface temperatures in the USA. |
| Temperaturer i Sverige | Temperaturer i den stora svensk städer |
| Unwetterzentrale | Unwetterwarnungen für Deutschland |
| Weather Radar USA | Recent Weather Radar of the USA. |
| Weather.com | Weatherforecast for the USA. |
| Wetter.com | Aktuelles Wetter und Freizeit-Tips |
| Wetterturnier | An diesem Wettervorhersage-Turnier für Berlin, Zürich und Wien, kann sich jeder beteiligen. |
| Australian Meteorology | The Australian Bureau of Meteorology provides products in a variety of formats. Most products are freely available. |
| Swedish Weather Center | Här finner den vetgirige fakta kring väder och väderprognoser. |
| Nasa Visible Earth | Directory of images, visualizations and animations of the earth |
| Water Information | Maps the Water Level and Water Quality around the globe and provides general information. |
| GEO | Naturwissenschaftliches Magazin |
| GEOlino | Wissen für Kinder |
| Nasa Visible Earth | Directory of images, visualizations and animations of the earth |
| Google Earth Hacks | Hacks, informations, plugins and tipps & tricks for the use with Googl Earth. |
| Flag Database | The flags of the world sorted alphabetical with a short basic information on the countries |
| UK Statistics | United Kingdom - Data on economy, population and society at national and local level |
| Eurostat | High-quality statistical information service of the European Union |