Basis ←  Wissen  ← Geografie

Werbung buchen bei pooqWürde ist ein Konjunktiv - Poetry Slam Texte bei Amazon
Historical MapsCollection of historical maps from 1500 - 2004.
Google Earthfree download of the interactive 3d presentation tool of maps, satellite photos and other geographic informations
Nasa Visible EarthDirectory of images, visualizations and animations of the earth
Vulcano ActivityMaps the Vulcano Activity around the globe and provides general information about vulcanoes .
DWDHomepage des Deutschen Wetterdiensts mit Wetter- und Klimainformationen
Nasa Visible EarthDirectory of images, visualizations and animations of the earth
wetter.deWettervorhersage für Deutschland
Temperature USAThe current surface temperatures in the USA.
Temperaturer i SverigeTemperaturer i den stora svensk städer
UnwetterzentraleUnwetterwarnungen für Deutschland
Weather Radar USARecent Weather Radar of the USA.
Weather.comWeatherforecast for the USA.
Wetter.comAktuelles Wetter und Freizeit-Tips
WetterturnierAn diesem Wettervorhersage-Turnier für Berlin, Zürich und Wien, kann sich jeder beteiligen.
Australian MeteorologyThe Australian Bureau of Meteorology provides products in a variety of formats. Most products are freely available.
Swedish Weather CenterHär finner den vetgirige fakta kring väder och väderprognoser.
Nasa Visible EarthDirectory of images, visualizations and animations of the earth
Water InformationMaps the Water Level and Water Quality around the globe and provides general information.
GEONaturwissenschaftliches Magazin
GEOlinoWissen für Kinder
Nasa Visible EarthDirectory of images, visualizations and animations of the earth
Google Earth HacksHacks, informations, plugins and tipps & tricks for the use with Googl Earth.
Flag DatabaseThe flags of the world sorted alphabetical with a short basic information on the countries
UK StatisticsUnited Kingdom - Data on economy, population and society at national and local level
EurostatHigh-quality statistical information service of the European Union

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