| Historical Maps | Collection of historical maps from 1500 - 2004. |
| Google Earth | free download of the interactive 3d presentation tool of maps, satellite photos and other geographic informations |
| Geody - Search the World | Geographic database of GPS coordinates, Google Earth placemarks, maps, pictures of Planet Earth and beyond. |
| GIS Stuff | freeware, joboffers , news and other GIS-relatated stuff |
| World Wind | lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth in visually rich 3D, just as if you were really there |
| Statistik Deutschland | Homepage des Statistischen Bundesamtes mit unzähligen Statistiken zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialstruktur. |
| Google Maps | Online map of the world which can be moved and zoomed interactively |
| Live Maps | Online map of the world which can be moved and zoomed interactively |
| Zeitzonen | Übersicht über die Zeitzonen-Aufteilung der Erde und die aktuellen Ortszeiten für große Städte weltweit |
| Worldmapper | Collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to different subjects of interest. |
| 50 States | Information and yellow pages of the fifty states of America. From Alabama and Alaska to Wisconsin and Wyoming
| BKG | Homepage des deutschen Bundesamts für Kartographie und Geodäsie |
| Statistiska centralbyrån | Sveriges officiella statistik |
| Global Gazetteer | Satellite images and geographical coordinates for cities and towns of the world |
| Stepmap | Gestaltungsdienst, bei dem man individuelle Landkarten erstellen kann. |
| topozone | Repository for shaded relief maps, high resolution aerial photography and street maps. |
| Open StreetMap | Project where the users collect geo data to privide an interactive map of the world. |
| Open RouteService | Free map and routing service based on data of the Open Streetmap project. |
| Weltzeit | Überblick über die Zeitzonen mit aktueller Lokalzeit der einzelnen Regionen. |
| CIA World Factbooks | Collected information of countries of the world by the Central Intelligence Agency - probably not the very secret stuff |
| City Distance Calculator | Online calculator for calculating the flight distance between two cities |
| Geoguessr | Guess your location after getting randomly dropped somewhere in the world in Google Streetview |