| Tigris | Community for Open Source Software Engineering |
| Chip-Online Downloadseite | Downloadseite der Computerzeitschrift. |
| DDA | Das Download-Archiv bietet sortiert Programme zum Download an |
| Download.com | Download of programs sorted in categories. |
| Freshmeat | Large Index of Linux-, Unix- and cross-platform-software with descriptions and the links to download it |
| WinSCP | Download of a free free SFTP, FTP and SCP client for Windows |
| PuTTY | Download of a free Telnet and SSH Client software |
| Shareware | Sammlung von Shareware-Programmen |
| Softpile | Programme zum Download |
| Tucows | Software Library for freeware and shareware software |
| Winload | Download von Shareware und Freeware in Kategorien geordnet |
| KDE Applications | download applications for linux KDE |
| Flyn | platform which offers free software projects. Some useful tools can be downloaded here. |
| Jetico | Securitytools for download: encryption, firewall and diskwiping softwaretools. |
| Asterisk | A complete PBX in software for Linux, BSD and MacOSX. Does VoIP in many protocols, and almost all standards.
| Resplendence | registry management tool for Microsoft Windows. |
| TrueCrypt | Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows XP/2000/2003 and Linux |
| CMS Simple | Kostenlos nutzbares Content Management System, welches keine MySQL-Datenbank benötigt . |
| Typo3 | Information about the free TYPO3 content management system, how to get started and download possibilities. |
| Redaxo | Kostenloses Content-Management-System |
| Postnuke | Opensource Content-Management-System |
| Printkey 2000 | Kostenloses Windowsprogramm, um Screenshots vom aktuellen Bildschirminhalt zu erstellen |
| Wintotal | Windowsportal mit aktuellen Informationen und zahlreichen Downloadmöglichkeiten |
| Seti@home | Downloadable screensaver which helps searching for extraterrestrical life. |
| Monkey Bread | Some freeware applications coming with source code for download: Most of them for Mac OS. |