Basis ← Computer ← Software

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Avid DVDigitalvideo editing software
ChessgeniusChess software for desktop and handheld computers
McAfeeAnti-Virus-Programs and Firewalls for purchase.
CebitDie größte Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologiemesse Deutschlands findet einmal im Jahr in Hannover statt.
VMwareSoftware that lets you run one or more virtual computers which function like standalone system on your computer.
GametrailersCollection of short trailers of new computergames. Of course with the option to buy them then.
acon digital mediaSoftware for audio and video editing
AdobeSoftware Developer who produces a wide range of grafic and video related software
KasperskyWell known developer of antivirus software
AutodeskSoftware firm which sells AutoCAD and other software for the design-to-manufacturing process
PTCManufacturer of CAD and streamlining software solutions
SPSSManufacturer of marketing and business analytics software solutions
MicrosoftInformation and updates for Windows and other Microsoft products
PDAPSoftware für Qualitätssicherung in mittelständischen Betrieben.
PortlandDeveloper of compilers and software development tools for the high performance parallel computing market.
NemetschekIT-Lösungen für das Planen, Bauen und Nutzen von Bauwerken. Für Architekten, Bauingenieure und Bauträger.
SolidWorksProfessional CAD-Software for mechanical design, verification, motion simulation
MaxonDeveloper of 3D-Graphic-Software like the Animation Software Cinema4D
NuanceSoftware for speech recognition which can be used as an interface to other programs like texteditors.
BitDefenderAntivirensoftware, von der es aus eine kostenlose Version zum Download gibt.
Tools for fontsFontCreator and font manager program for purchase
ShredderSchachprogramm für Handy`s und Desktopcomputer
DATEVSoftware und Dienstleistungen für Steuerberater, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Rechtsanwälte und Unternehmen
eset.deKommerzielle Virusscan-Software
HeroglyphCommercial software for Video Titling and special effects

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