| Pubmed (Medline) | Naturwissenschaftliche Datenbank mit den Schwerpunkten Medizin und Biochemie |
| Medscape | Medical information for health professionals. Personalized Homepage after free registration. |
| Medizinindex | Umfangreiche (Literatur-) Datenbank zu medizinischen Themen. |
| Medizinindex | Umfangreiche (Literatur-) Datenbank zu medizinischen Themen. |
| NHS Health Library | Digital library for NHS staff, patients and public |
| TRIP database | Evidence-based publications are searched monthly by experts and indexed fully before beeing presented |
| Controlled Trials | Search, register and share information about randomised controlled trials. Access to the information is free. |
| NIH - Clinical Trials | Regularly updated information about federally and privately supported clinical research in human volunteers. |
| Cancer Trials | Clinical trials database of the Nationale Cancer Institute. |
| Cochrane Library | Up-to-date information on the effects of interventions in health care. Contains CDSR, DARE, CENTRAL, HTA and NHSEED |
| best BETs | Database of evidence based medicine topics |
| Clinical Trials | Listings of more than 41,000 active industry and government-sponsored clinical trials and new drug therapies in research |
| Fachbibliothek Pharmazie | Digitale Bibliothek mit Zugang zu Volltexten, Katalog, Fachinformationsführer und -datenbank |
| Arzneimittel-Informatione | Informationssystem des Bundes und der Länder für Daten aus der Zulassung/Registrierung und Überwachung von Arzneimitteln |
| EBMeDS | Evidence-Based Medicine electronic Decision Support system by means of context-sensitive guidance at the point of care. |
| UK transplant | Organ donation register |
| Doctors in the USA | Search engine for doctors in the USA |