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Werbung buchen bei pooqAlter schützt vor gar nichts! - Omageschichten - Buch bei Amazon
ToughgraphWith this Online-Tool you can not only see but also move around the linkage of every website you want
Wanna be an Apple?Here your Computer will become a "real" Apple Macintosh Computer
NetdisasterVirtual disasters - Choose a site whose destruction would bring you bliss and delight, or just fun.
Similar Mind TestsCollection of free personality tests and tools
The highest webpageThe authors claim it’s 18.939 kilometers high (that’s about 11.769 miles) and added nothing but a ruler to the site.
UhrgeilEin rund-um-die-Uhr Zeitansage von menschlichen Sprechern.
WordleGenerates an unusal tag cloud from a given text or website
Surrealist ComplimentgeneratorWith every reload a new and useless surrealistic compliment.
Google BattleCompares the influences of two given words or phrases against each other by using the number of results in Google search
yearbook yourselfCreate a highschool yearbook picture history of yourself
PhantombildEinfacher Online-Editor, mit dem man aus verschiedenen Teilbildern ein Phantombild erstellen kann.
Is it Christmas?Website which is telling you whether it is Christmas today or not.
Bush geniusG.W. Bush and his problems to use things in a proper way
Revocation of IndependanceNotice of Revocation of Independance from United Kingdom towards the USA.
Hu is the leader of ChinaCondoleeza Rice is trying to report to George W. Bush that Hu is the new leader of China.
Optical IllusionsCollection of several (animated) optical illusions with explanations
Colour changing card trickWill you be able to understand the colour changing card trick shown in the video?
Checker ShadowImpressing optical illusion
Air Plane MechanicsCollection of Mechanics Comments at Pilots Requests.
FlugangstBesorgnis erregende Mitschriften der Kommunikation zwischen Tower und Piloten
Movie PhysicsDiscussion of physics in movies and evaluation of movies by the credibility of their physics
Flugangst IIWeitere Besorgnis erregende Flugfunksprüche zur Steigerung der Flugangst.
Flugangst IIINoch mehr Besorgnis erregende Flugfunksprüche zur Steigerung der Flugangst.
Geeks are sexyGeeky News and video clips.
ScheissprojektManagmentkonzepte und Ihre Rezeption

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