| Trojaner-Info | Hilfe und Informationen bei Trojanischen Pferden, Computerwürmern und Computerviren. |
| Antiviruslab | Nachrichten und Informationen über Viren |
| AntiVir | Kostenloses Virenprogramm zum privaten Gebrauch, das etwa 70.000 Viren erkennt und entfernt. |
| McAfee | Anti-Virus-Programs and Firewalls for purchase. |
| Virus Total | Online Viruscheck: Upload suspicious files to let them be checked by several recent virusscanners. |
| Agax | free Apple Macintosh antivirus program |
| Avast | Antivirus software for purchase or free download for home users for non-commercial use |
| Kaspersky | Well known developer of antivirus software |
| Sophos | Software and appliance solutions to protect networks from viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware and spam |
| BitDefender | Antivirensoftware, von der es aus eine kostenlose Version zum Download gibt. |
| Jotti | You can upload a suspicious file and it will be immediately scanned by several virusscanners |
| GFI | Software developer for security and messaging software |
| Symantec Protection Side | Recent Virus Warnings and removal tools on the page of one of the leading anti-virus research organizations. |
| F-Prot Virus Database | A Virus database which is updated several times a week. Also available in finnish and swedish. |
| Norton Virus-Database | Large Virus Database with an estimation of danger level.
| Trojaner-Board | Forum, das sich mit Trojanern, Viren und Spyware und deren Bekämpfung beschäftigt. |
| SenderBase | Report of spam mail traffic and virus traffic. |
| Viruslist.com | Virus and malware information portal |