| Chaos Computer Club | Homepage der bekannten Hackergruppe. |
| EFF | The Electronic Frontier Foundation fights for the freedom of information in the digital world |
| W3C | The World Wide Web Consortium is developing common protocols for the Internet. Here you can inform yourself. |
| Groklaw | Computerrelated judicial and political news. |
| .org-Domains | Informations on using and registrating .org-Topleveldomains |
| oasis Standards | Not-for-profit, international consortium that drives the development, convergence, and adoption of e-business standards |
| W3C Validator | Free service to check Web documents in HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards |
| Webstandards.org | Grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all. |
| WHATWG | Community of browser vendors,web developers and other people interested in development of HTML and related technologies |
| RFC-Editor | The RFC (Request for Comments) series contains technical and organizational documents about the Internet. |
| ACID tests | Web Standards Compliance Tests |
| suma-ev.de | Gemeinnützigen Verein zur Förderung der Suchmaschinen-Technologie und des freien Wissenszugangs |
| netzpolitik.org | Großes deutsches Blog zu netzpolitischen Themen. |
| Denic | Zentrale Verwaltung der Topleveldomain "de". Rechtliche Hinweise und Domaininhaber-Suchservice. |
| ICANN | The ICANN coordinates Internet domain names, IP address numbers and
protocol parameter and port numbers
| InterNic | Provides the public information regarding Internet domain name registration services |
| InterNIC - Who is? | Info on the owners of existing webpages:(.aero, .arpa, .biz, .com, .coop, .edu, .info, .int, .museum, .net, .org) |
| RIPE | One of the four Regional Internet Registries (RIR) in the world, providing allocation and registration. |
| DNS-Stuff | Get immediately free dns-information of IPs or internet-adresses. |
| .org-Domains | Informations on using and registrating .org-Topleveldomains |
| EuRid | European Registry of Internet Domain Names which provides the .eu-Domains |
| Computer dictionary | Definitions and fast references on allmost all computer related themes. |
| heise online | Online Präsenz des heise Verlags mit vielen aktuellen Nachrichten und Hintergründen über Computer und Internet. |
| NetPlanet | Geschichte und Aufbau des Internet |
| www-Einsteigerkurs | Übersichtliche Internet-Informationen insbesondere für Einsteiger. |