Basis ← Internet ←  Wissen 

Chaos Computer ClubHomepage der bekannten Hackergruppe.
EFFThe Electronic Frontier Foundation fights for the freedom of information in the digital world
W3CThe World Wide Web Consortium is developing common protocols for the Internet. Here you can inform yourself.
GroklawComputerrelated judicial and political news.
.org-DomainsInformations on using and registrating .org-Topleveldomains
oasis StandardsNot-for-profit, international consortium that drives the development, convergence, and adoption of e-business standards
W3C ValidatorFree service to check Web documents in HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards
Webstandards.orgGrassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.
WHATWGCommunity of browser vendors,web developers and other people interested in development of HTML and related technologies
RFC-EditorThe RFC (Request for Comments) series contains technical and organizational documents about the Internet.
ACID testsWeb Standards Compliance Tests
suma-ev.deGemeinnützigen Verein zur Förderung der Suchmaschinen-Technologie und des freien Wissenszugangs
netzpolitik.orgGroßes deutsches Blog zu netzpolitischen Themen.
DenicZentrale Verwaltung der Topleveldomain "de". Rechtliche Hinweise und Domaininhaber-Suchservice.
ICANNThe ICANN coordinates Internet domain names, IP address numbers and protocol parameter and port numbers
InterNicProvides the public information regarding Internet domain name registration services
InterNIC - Who is?Info on the owners of existing webpages:(.aero, .arpa, .biz, .com, .coop, .edu, .info, .int, .museum, .net, .org)
RIPEOne of the four Regional Internet Registries (RIR) in the world, providing allocation and registration.
DNS-StuffGet immediately free dns-information of IPs or internet-adresses.
.org-DomainsInformations on using and registrating .org-Topleveldomains
EuRidEuropean Registry of Internet Domain Names which provides the .eu-Domains
Computer dictionaryDefinitions and fast references on allmost all computer related themes.
heise onlineOnline Präsenz des heise Verlags mit vielen aktuellen Nachrichten und Hintergründen über Computer und Internet.
NetPlanetGeschichte und Aufbau des Internet
www-EinsteigerkursÜbersichtliche Internet-Informationen insbesondere für Einsteiger.

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